&Mend Clothing Repair Station

The &Mend Clothing Repair Station, was a project that took over an empty store in April 2022 in Lewisham Shopping Centre with the aim of bringing mending to the wider public as a low cost and accessible creative skill that is particularly relevant in today’s environment. The project was funded by a grant from Shapes Lewisham that encourages creative buinesses and practioners to run projects for public that promote sustainability and social connection. the aims of the project was to empower people through teaching, to gain the practical skills with which to mend what they already own . If we keep textiles in circulation for longer we impact through engagement in a ‘slow’ craft that can also bring us time and space to reflect. The aims of the &Mend Clothing Repair Station alongside my training as a Mental health First Aider was to combine the skills of mending and sewing in a safe space, to offer some peer support whilst we taught new skills and offer a space to be learn and be ourselves.